Monday, February 9, 2009

A-Rod's New Drama

It was revealed this weekend that New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez tested positive for illegal steroid use in 2003. As the daughter of a die-hard Yankee fan, it is nearly impossible for me to not have something to say. Rodriguez admitted to having used steroids between 2001-2003, while he was playing with the Texas Rangers.
While his steroid use began and ended before his trade to the Yankees, the scandal must be dealt with while he wears his Yankee pinstripes. While I can't imagine the burden and pressure to not only perform, but to excel that lies on the shoulders of professional athletes, especially those with a very vocal and fickle New York fan base, I don't condone cheating of any kind to get ahead.
There are very few careers in the world that pay the way baseball does, with the security that his job has. If an accountant cheated at his or her job, they could be fired or even jailed, so baseball players should consider themselves lucky-- after the heat of the spotlight is turned off they can continue on business as usual.

Alex, I love you, but let's keep it clean from now on, okay?

1 comment:

  1. Rather than listing your links at the end, integrate them into your post.
