Friday, February 27, 2009

A Very Brady Wedding

New England Patriots quarterback wed world-famous supermodel Gisele Bundchen on Thursday in Santa Monica, California, according to The couple who have been dating since 2006, were married in front of immediate family and the bride's three dogs at a Catholic church. Bundchen was named the world's highest-paid model, and Brady is a three-time Super Bowl champion.

Can you say power couple?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Families of Soldiers to Give OK on Pictures

According to a story on the AP wire, the families of slain soldiers will have the final say in deciding if pictures will be allowed when the bodies are brought back to the United States. Overturning a ruling put in place by George H.W. Bush im 1991, the Obama administration will allow photographers to be present when the flag-draped coffins return to the U.S., however the administration's decision will leave the decision up to the soldier's family members. The decision was supported by the Pentagon. However, 64% of military families oppose this decision. The whole story can be found at

What do YOU think about the decision?

Teen Beauty to Lose Her Crown?

Miss Connecticut Outstanding Teen, Rachael Ramonas, is in danger of being stripped of her crown. The teen queen finds herself in hot water after she hosted an underage house party at her home on Feb. 21. According to, police in Wolcott, CT issued 24 underage drinking tickets. Each ticket comes with at $136 price tag and an automatic 30 day driver's license suspension. Ramonas' parents were said to be out of town for the party. A supporter of eating disorder awareness, Ramonas, 17, is an honors student who has organized a fundraiser for families who lost their children in a car crash. With her term as Miss Connecticut Outstanding Teen to expire in June, the pageant committee is reviewing details of the event in an effort to decide if Ramonas' title and crown will be revoked.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Arizona Girls Have Too Much Fun

Two Arizona girls are finding themselves in trouble with the law. Tatiana Tye and Jazmine Finley, both 16, have been arrested for "pimping out" other teenage girls. Though the girls are 16, they will be tried in a court as adults. The girls have been indicted by an Arizona grand jury on several counts of child prostitution and pandering each. If the girls are found guilty, they could both face jail time. According to an article on, Arizona police believe that the girls rented out an apartment to be used for the purposes of paid sex. The investigation is ongoing.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

9 year old wedding

Newspaper Drama

Famous newspaper and business mogul Rupert Murdoch was forced to issue an apology in regards to a cartoon that was considered to be racist. The cartoon, which was published in the New York Post, was meant to be a mockery of the stimulus bill, along with the chimpanzee attack that took place in Stamford, CT. The article, from, says that many in the New York area felt "insulted" by the use of the racist comparison of a chimp and the president. This chimp is certainly getting its 15 minutes of fame..

Monday, February 23, 2009

Rihanna Picture

As the whole country watches as the drama between singers Chris Brown and Rihanna unfold, intense speculation surrounds the two and the alleged birthday gifts purchased for Rihanna by Brown. While the investigation continues in the assault case Rihanna has filed against the singer/actor, word is that the two haven't completely parted ways.

This article is from the NY Daily News.


I was talking to my friend Mike last night, and I was complaining to him about the bad luck I was experiencing all weekend. To make me feel better, he introduced me to the website It's hilarious. It's the perfect way to remind yourself that your life doesn't suck as badly as you think it does. Enjoy!

Connected Across the Country

Darcy* and Matt* don’t have what is considered a “traditional” dating life. Matt, 23, lives in a suburb of Las Vegas, Nevada with his 4-year-old daughter, Ariana. Darcy, 21, lives with her parents in Essex Fells, New Jersey. Here, the two of them share their thoughts on keeping their lives connected—even with 2,500 miles between them and a shared hatred of Facebook.

Q: How do you keep in touch with each other?
Darcy: Matty is a fan of e-mails. He sends me e-mail and Blackberry messages all the time.
Matt: I don’t only e-mail her! We talk on the phone at least 2 or 3 times a day. And, lately we’ve been using Skype.

Q: What is the easiest thing you guys do to keep in touch?
Matt: She mocks, but the e-mail thing works. I can send her pictures and things as they happen, and let her know that I miss her as I go about my day.
Darcy: I guess that's true. I do like Skype though.

Q: Neither of you have Facebook accounts?
Matt: No, I don't. I never created one-- you had to have a college e-mail address to sign up for one, and I never went to collge.
Darcy: NO.

Q: You wouldn't consider setting up Facebook profiles in order to keep in touch now?
Matt: I wouldn't get one, no. I like keeping my life private. Especially now that I have Ariana to consider. I don't like people knowing my business.
Darcy: I guess I could get one, but I've gone this long without one, what's the point now?

Q: What advice do you two have for people in long-distance relationships?
Darcy: SPEAK TO EACH OTHER AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. When we don't tell each other things is when we really separated from each other.
Matt: I would have to agree with that. Talk to each other and be honest. If you keep things from each other you'll regret it.
Darcy: It's true. Because our paths literally only cross when we force them to, we have to include each other in almost everything we do, otherwise its easy for things to fall apart.
Matt: Also, see each other as much as possible. You have to trust each other-- if you can't trust someone why are you spending your time with them anyway? SKYPE HELPS.

If you're not as sure about your relationship as these two are, here is some advice from

Also, here is the link to Skype . It's free and actually really fun to use!

*Last names have been omitted at the request of the interviewees for privacy reasons.

chimp drama

So I'm sure you've all been following the saga of the chimpanzee attack in Stamford, CT. This is the 911 call placed by the chimp's owner as the attack was happening. SO Sad.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

World Wide Chatting

Today's technology allows college students to communicate with anyone, anywhere, at any time. Between the internet, cell phones, e-mail, and everything in between, people are constantly connected. Programs and websites such as Facebook, AIM, Skype, iChat, and Flickr, and countless others have been designed to bridge gaps, and fuel communication and networking Whether you are studying abroad, living away at school, or living home, there are countless options available to keep in touch with friends and family. Technology connects people in ways never possible before.

For many college students, the means of communication they use depends on who they are keeping in touch with. "When I talk to my mom, I use the phone," said Laura R., a Quinnipiac University freshman. "I use Facebook for my high school and college friends because they can write on my wall and see pictures and stuff that my mom might not want to see."

Facebook, a social networking site is used daily by most college students. It allows for the sharing of pictures, video, words, and even has an instant messaging feature. With no cost to students who use it, Facbook is an easy way to keep up with what is going on in your friends lives. "I use Facebook and the chat feature to talk to my sister at her school," says Samantha D., a freshman. "Our schedules are different, so its hard to talk on the phone, but we post on each other's walls and get back to each other as we can," she says.

The sight is also frequently used to keep in touch with friends from home or high school. It also provides people with outlets to meet and network with people who have similar interests or hobbies as them. And, it features applications compatible with internet-accessible cell phones, so the site can be checked and updated at the user's leisure; with or without a computer.

Skype, a video chat program allows people to actually see and hear each other as they chat. The program is becoming exceedingly popular on college campuses. Mike M., a junior is studying abroad this semester and relies on Skype to keep in touch with his family and friends alike. "I use Skype to see whats going on at home," he says. "My mom likes it because she can actually see me and that I'm okay. I like it because its more like having a conversation than an AIM chat."

Courtney S., another junior, uses it to stay in touch with her boyfriend. "We love Skype-ing with each other. Because of our schedules we don't get to actually see each other very often and this way it's more like we're sitting in the same room. He can see what's going on around me and I can see his room."

Another extremely popular means of communication on college campuses is text messaging. Text messages can be exchanged quickly, discreetly, and frequently. Students use "texting" to make plans, catch up, and send pictures. Chris M., a Quinnipiac University sophomore says that text messages are his primary means of communication with his friends. "I can do it in class and its really fast," he says. "Plus, if the other person doesn't answer right away, you know that the next time they look at their phone they're going to see it and answer you. My friends can always find me this way."

The last major communication tool of college campuses is AIM. A program designed by America Online (AOL), AIM is downloaded onto virtually every computer on campus. It allows students to talk to multiple people at a time, while doing other tasks. "I prefer AIM, actually," says Mike P., a senior. "I can talk to a bunch of people at once, and my housemates don't have to hear what I'm saying."

James B., another senior agrees. "AIM lets you talk to a bunch of people at once, and still get work done. Plus you don't have to worry about who is in the room."

Overall, the technology of the day in many ways, makes the world a little bit smaller. Through the use of these tools, people can stay connected with each other regardless of time zones or distances. Mike M. says, "I like knowing what's going on in with my friends at home. Gotta make sure they're staying out of trouble while I'm gone."

Monday, February 9, 2009

A-Rod's New Drama

It was revealed this weekend that New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez tested positive for illegal steroid use in 2003. As the daughter of a die-hard Yankee fan, it is nearly impossible for me to not have something to say. Rodriguez admitted to having used steroids between 2001-2003, while he was playing with the Texas Rangers.
While his steroid use began and ended before his trade to the Yankees, the scandal must be dealt with while he wears his Yankee pinstripes. While I can't imagine the burden and pressure to not only perform, but to excel that lies on the shoulders of professional athletes, especially those with a very vocal and fickle New York fan base, I don't condone cheating of any kind to get ahead.
There are very few careers in the world that pay the way baseball does, with the security that his job has. If an accountant cheated at his or her job, they could be fired or even jailed, so baseball players should consider themselves lucky-- after the heat of the spotlight is turned off they can continue on business as usual.

Alex, I love you, but let's keep it clean from now on, okay?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

california dreaming...

This morning i woke up to a text message from my best friend who is in California right now. She woke me up with a text message picture of the beach. And, despite the fact that is only 55 and raining there, it still looks far nicer than here. Because of her "generosity" :-/ in sharing this picture, and because I'm a sucker for the beach, I thought I'd post a picture of the beach so we can all pretend we're there too.

It will be warm soon....

freezing cold weather

Since it has been so cold lately, and there has been so much snow, my roommates and I have been staying in the room a lot more. Because we're staying in so much, we've been trying to figure out ways to keep ourselves from going stir crazy (and driving each other crazy). I thought I'd share some of the things we came up with:
movie nights/lifetime movie marathons
trying out new recipes
online shopping
making hot chocolate

When these ideas fail, there's always the opportunity to brave the cold for some fun outside of the room!